We currently offer three Time Trial specific plans detailed below.
All are designed to help you reach peak fitness on the day of your target event.
Written by 7 x winner of the National 10mile time trial Championships and 6 x winner of the National 25mile time trial Championships, Julia Shaw.
Speaking from experience short Time Trials really do require specific training to prepare you for your best performance ever.
This doesn’t happen on its own, but requires careful planning plus completion of some key tough sessions at the right time.
So whichever plan you choose, it should give you a head start over the competition.
Please get in touch to get started straight away, or with any questions
All plans are available via Today’s Plan (or Training Peaks in the near future).

Rapid Race Ready Plan
(8 weeks) £85
- Suitability: Intermediate with some TT experience.
- Average Training Hours/week: 8 Hours 20 min
- Biggest week: 10 Hours
- Longest Ride: 3 Hours
- Typical Week: 2 days rest, 5 days riding.
- Requirements: Enthusiasm to work hard plus a big bucket load of motivation 🙂

Sample session: Harder over, under + at threshold
This session is a mixture of riding below and above FTP
Warm-up = 20+ mins,
Main Set = 2 x 16 mins.
Each 16 min effort consists of:.
3 mins at 95% FTP
3 mins at 110% FTP
3 mins at 95% FTP
2 mins at 120% FTP
3 mins at 95% FTP
2 mins 120% FTP
with no stops.
10 minutes of zone 1 between efforts, then repeat the set
Cool down – 10-15 minutes in zone 1 -2

25 Mile Time Trial Plan
(12 weeks) £95
- Suitability: Intermediate with some TT experience.
- Average Training Hours/week: 8 Hours 30 min
- Biggest week: 11 Hours 30 min
- Longest Ride: 4 Hours 15min
- Typical Week: 2 days rest, 5 days riding.
- Requirements: Enthusiasm to work hard plus a bucket load of motivation 🙂

Sample session:
Sweet spot with Cadence variation 3 x 10 min efforts
3 x 10 min Fast Steady with cadence variation.
Ideally try to do this on race bike, with the 3 x 10min in aero position.
1st 10min effort @ 90 RPM
2nd 10min effort @ 100-110 RPM
3rd 10min effort @ 60-70 RPM

10 Mile Time Trial Plan
(12 weeks) £95
- Suitability: Intermediate with some TT experience.
- Average Training Hours/week: 8 Hours 15 min
- Biggest week: 11 Hours
- Longest Ride: 3 Hours 45min
- Typical Week: 2 days rest, 5 days riding.
- Requirements: Enthusiasm to work hard plus a big bucket load of motivation 🙂

Sample session:
High power repetitions: 10/20s, 20/40s
High power short duration repetitions plus steady riding.
Control the power especially at the start of each repetition.
Make sure you are fueled for this or have eaten within 2 hrs.
Afterwards have a recovery drink or preferably a meal straight away.
Be careful with back and knees when you start the high power sections.